With a focus on customized branding, updated reporting, and even new navigation flows, we’re thrilled to share some of our most recent updates and enhancements designed to elevate your experience, strengthen your client relationship, and, of course, stay ahead of the cybersecurity game.
Improved MSP Branding
To help our MSP partners build their brand directly with their own customers, we’ve made efforts to completely remove the Guardz name and logo from the end-user experience when utilizing the Branding feature. This can be found in notifications, quarantine messages, email banners, awareness training, and reports. When you put your brand in the forefront, Guardz takes a step back so you can shine with your customers.
This feature (all plans), paired with the recently released SMTP integration (Pro plan) and the upcoming custom subdomain setting (Pro plan), completes the white label needs that many MSPs require.
Assets View, Links & Ignore/Restore
The Assets Page and Issues are even more useful than ever. Navigate directly from a specific asset to the related open issues. Easily see the relevant fields in the new “Asset View” of the issue page. And if you’re seeing an asset that you believe is improperly associated with an org, you can directly ignore (or restore) from the asset list.
Defender Policy Settings on/off
In some cases, we’ve seen conflicts between the Guardz enforcement of Microsoft Defender policy settings and those managed by Microsoft Intune or other device management tools. We opened the ability for admins to toggle these settings on/off directly from the security controls, either per org or on a global level.
Phishing Simulation Report Details
New details, added to the Phishing Simulation report & export, bring transparency around exactly when users took the action of opening and clicking the phishing link. These details are important to help educate users but also to troubleshoot when a 3rd party system is interfering with the execution of the simulation.
We can’t wait for you to experience the newest updates! Keep your eyes peeled for more to come!
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